Hello animation fan!
Thanks to all filmmakers for submitting, and thanks to those who helped, particularly John Cason for the beautiful flyer, Karl Sigler for the DVD authoring, Cameron Stuart for everything, Takuro Masuda for working the door, and Bryan Fordney, Fatimah Abdullah, and Joel Rose for being on the award committee.

We are seeking volunteers to help with Gather Atlanta on June 6th. Please email me if you're interested.
Upcoming animation-related events (also on the calendar on our blog, asifa-atlanta.blogspot.com):
Gather Atlanta at Eyedrum on June 6th, 5pm
Art community gathering, www.gatheratlanta.com
Animation Workshop at Manuel's Tavern on Sunday, June 14th at 7pm
Monthly workshop; see http://atl-animators.org
Animation Draw at WonderRoot on June 20th, 2pm
Collaborative animation; paper and light-tables provided, no experience necessary, come and draw! Example resulting film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MShJo_RBF4I
Blowin' Smoke at Five Spot on June 28th, 8pm, free
Free showcase of commercial animation made by local studios!
Society for Animation Studies Screening at High Museum of Art on July 10th, 8pm, free
Free ASIFA-Atlanta showcase of local animation for the SAS conference; http://blog.scad.edu/sasc/schedule/
Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation at Plaza, June 26th to July 2nd
Figure Drawing every Thursday 8-10pm at Westwood College, $5
Thanks so much!
-Brett W. Thompson, President of ASIFA-Atlanta
Thanks so much to everyone who came to Roll Yer Own!! Especially those who were generous enough to donate a buck or two, we truly appreciate it!!
ASIFA-Atlanta "Roll Yer Own" 2009 Awards:
The "Best of Show" award went to "Stubbe Peter" by Kristin Jarvis.
The "Audience Choice" award went to "Cornpopalypse" by Maurice VandenBergh II.
Winners receive a free year's membership to ASIFA-Atlanta.
This was the first year we did awards; here's how they were picked: the night before "Roll Yer Own" we held a pre-screening and debated about which film to give the "Best in Show" award to, and we picked Kristin's. For the "Audience Choice" award, we received 70 votes (thank you voters!); "Cornpopalypse" won with fourteen votes, and "Gypsy Crepes" came in second with nine votes. "As Seen on TV" was third with six votes.Thanks to all filmmakers for submitting, and thanks to those who helped, particularly John Cason for the beautiful flyer, Karl Sigler for the DVD authoring, Cameron Stuart for everything, Takuro Masuda for working the door, and Bryan Fordney, Fatimah Abdullah, and Joel Rose for being on the award committee.
Our next big event is "Blowin' Smoke", showcase of locally-produced commercial animation, June 28th at 8pm at Five Spot, free:

We are seeking volunteers to help with Gather Atlanta on June 6th. Please email me if you're interested.
Upcoming animation-related events (also on the calendar on our blog, asifa-atlanta.blogspot.com):
Gather Atlanta at Eyedrum on June 6th, 5pm
Art community gathering, www.gatheratlanta.com
Animation Workshop at Manuel's Tavern on Sunday, June 14th at 7pm
Monthly workshop; see http://atl-animators.org
Animation Draw at WonderRoot on June 20th, 2pm
Collaborative animation; paper and light-tables provided, no experience necessary, come and draw! Example resulting film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MShJo_RBF4I
Blowin' Smoke at Five Spot on June 28th, 8pm, free
Free showcase of commercial animation made by local studios!
Society for Animation Studies Screening at High Museum of Art on July 10th, 8pm, free
Free ASIFA-Atlanta showcase of local animation for the SAS conference; http://blog.scad.edu/sasc/schedule/
Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation at Plaza, June 26th to July 2nd
Figure Drawing every Thursday 8-10pm at Westwood College, $5
Thanks so much!
-Brett W. Thompson, President of ASIFA-Atlanta