We have an amazing collection of cartoon art hanging at WonderRoot! Thanks so much to everyone who submitted art!!
Please come check out the art opening / music show / benefit this Friday at WonderRoot, starting at 8pm. We're honored to have the following musical acts performing:
Performances (in order of appearance):
- Clementine Willowilde
- Christ Lord
- Jacques Cartier
- Omnipresent Toychest
- The Back Pockets
WonderRoot is located at 982 Memorial Dr, Atlanta, GA andwonderroot.org. We are extremely thankful to them for helping us so much with this show- Kristy Breneman especially.
Artists who participated get in for free, ASIFA-Atlanta members will get a discount of some kind, and everyone else will be asked for a $5 donation.
All proceeds will go towards keeping ASIFA-Atlanta running, including paying fees for acquiring nonprofit status.
This also kicks off Animation Month at WonderRoot! We have the following scheduled so far:
Art Opening Music Benefit Party
Friday, December 4th
8pm to late at WonderRoot, $5
Introduction to Flash Animation
Saturday, December 5th
2pm and 4:30pm at WonderRoot
International Animation Day Re-showing
Wednesday, December 9th
8pm at WonderRoot, $3
Animation Draw 8
Saturday, December 12th
3pm to 7pm at WonderRoot
Georiga Animation on my Mind Re-showing
Wednesday, December 16th
8pm at WonderRoot, $3
Animation Attack! Re-showing
Tuesday, December 22nd
8pm at WonderRoot, $3