Animation Draw is like a game of “tag” for artists, encouraging beginners to learn animation by drawing more simply, and challenging professionals to continue where another artist left off. The result is short animated film with a variety of styles compiled by ASIFA-Atlanta.
We're seeking animation instructors to lead the workshops, and creative volunteers to help before and during the workshop. Post workshop, there are opportunities for professional animators, voice talents, musicians and editors.
Please help spread the word, and feel free to reach out to Fatimah Abdullah with any questions or suggestions!
When: July 21, and Late October 2011
Positions closed: July 10th for July session, October 15 for October
Compensation: Yes!
In partnership with the High Museum's new Teen Team, we're presenting two Animation Draw workshops modeled on exhibits at the Museum. The first is based on the methods of Radcliff Bailey's exhibit, “Memory as Medicine.” This four hour workshop is designed for 15 artists selected from high schools all over Georgia.
An extended four day Teen Team workshop will repeat in October, in correlation with ASIFA's International Animation Day and the High Museum's exhibit of "Modern Masters: Picasso to Warhol."
Students will work together to create photos, stop-motion and drawings. Then, ASIFA-Atlanta will compile their efforts into an animated short film. Films premiere during the High Museum’s Teen Night.
August 6, 2011
Positions closed: July 30, 2011
Gather Atlanta is an arts conference presented by MINT,, WonderRoot and ThoughtMarker that seeks to unite and promote Atlanta's emerging galleries, alternative art spaces, and young creative collectives. This year, ASIFA-Atlanta will host an improv style Animation Draw workshop for attendees.